Friday, December 7, 2012

marks, scars, and memoires

nursery rhymes lied to me.

"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but Words can never harm me." - Said no one EVER

 words are heavy. and i don't think people realize that. 

the constant barrage of negative words creates an anti-body to the refreshing of positive words. its backwards. and I don't like it. 

i'm not talking about negative/positive life force energy ideology, or the popular phrase of "sending positive thoughts" 

no, i'm talking about straight up comments like "you are lame" vs. "you are incredible." 

i know two people. 
one builds me up. 
one tears me down. 
at times, the tearing is so deep 
that the building is hard to receive 
and accept as truth. 

it hurts to be damaged by words. they scar. 


it is rejuvenating to be blessed by words. they heal. 

stop criticizing. start complimenting. stop terrorizing. start treating.
stop abusing. start adoring.

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