Friday, November 26, 2010

Christmas from the Other Side

The thanks have been given. The tryptophan nap has been taken. The golden gobbler has been awarded. The Presidential turkeys have been pardoned. Thanksgiving is over and the Christmas season is officially upon us.

And nothing says the end of Thanksgiving like Black Friday, Santa Hats, and Christmas music!

Being the strict holiday follower that I am, today I switched my Pandora station from the epic soundtrack music (perfect studying atmosphere) to Jars of Clay (Holiday). One of the first songs that came on was "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen". When they sang of remembering Jesus Christ was born on Christmas day and that this is reason for good tidings of comfort and joy, tears were brought to my eyes. For those who know me, I am not so familiar with the waterworks.

Lately I have been thinking about what Christmas is like from the other side; from the side that doesn't know that Christmas is a celebration of the beginning of God's tangible work of bringing us into his family. What songs do they sing? Surely not "Hark the Harold Angles Sing", or "Joy to the World", or "Silent Night".

What is Christmas without our Savior? Another quasi-birthday holiday where you get stuff? Another summer break-like holiday where you get off school?

Christmas without the manger is as hollow and disappointing as that chocolate Easter bunny you were convinced was solid...

I wonder what it is like to not feel the weight of the theology behind this holiday and yet still celebrate. Christmas is so rich with meaning. How could you hear the music and see the change in mood and not wondering why? Thinking about how my co-workers or high school friends would celebrate this day makes me realize that I never want to experience a day without the knowledge of what my savior did for me.

Let me not just remember Jesus in the time between the fourth Thursday in November and December 25th.

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