Thursday, April 16, 2009

Too much reading...

Lately, I have spent a lot of time reading.

Reading for school
Reading for pleasure
Reading for personal edification

There is a lot to be said about the gratification that comes from turning the final page of a book.
An Achievement.

However, sometimes that literary closure is soiled by having to go back and find symbolism where there wasn't any. I am currently taking my last general education requirement, a literature class (which is where this reflection is coming from). The essence of this class is to read assigned texts and then proceed to dissect them to find every power dynamic, greater meaning, and universal message possible.

I will agree that in some cases, literary analysis brings greater understanding to a piece of writing.

However, something that frustrates me is when people read too much into something. I think it's a little excessive when power, corruption and a loss of innocence are found in every nook and cranny of a text. You can make a piece of writing say anything you want it too because interpretation pulls a lot from personal experience. However, I just don't see writing that way...why can't a bear just be an angry force of nature? Why does it have to represent all forms of authority? Why does one line in the third to last chapter during a supporting character's reverie about painting a house have to be the hinge of the theme of the book? I'm all for the obvious and well labeled ;)

One of my good friends is an English major and she all but adores symbolism. I think she is the most endearing way :) She thinks I don't appreciate literature. We have a beautiful friendship :)

Like I said before, symbolism and metaphors are helpful, but please, can I just write a paper about the strategy used by the woodland creatures to save a sleeping princess and not about the significance of the colors red and yellow?

Thanks so much for accommodating my lack of literary culture.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love you Manda!

    Have a good trip home tomorrow!!!! I am so glad I got to see you this break. :) Yay!
    Love you!
