Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Be My Everything, Please!

Tonight was Meet the Firms at Biola. Nine accounting firms came to campus to collect resumes and hand out business cards. As a senior, this is the time that I look to find an opportunity to get noticed by a firm and secure an interview, which results in a job. However, in our current economic climate, interviews are not as readily available as I have been told for the past three years. This news was expected, but still discouraging. All night I walked around with a fatalistic view of the pointlessness of this event.

How can I get a job when other people are losing theirs?
How can I get my foot in the door of a firm when the door is locked shut?

However, as I was sulking, I was reminded of a worship song we sing at Biola. Be My Everything by Tim Hughes is all about submitting all the areas of my life to God and asking him to be my everything. Here are the lyrics:

God in my living
There in my breathing
God in my waking
God in my sleeping
God in my resting
There in my working
God in my thinking
God in my speaking

Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything

God in my hoping
There in my dreaming
God in my watching
God in my waiting
God in my laughing
There in my weeping
God in my hurting
God in my healing

Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me the hope of glory
You are everything

Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me the hope of glory
Be my everything

You are everything
Jesus, Everything

When I have submitted myself to Christ and he is my everything, I am in the hands of a master. So though I may only see closed doors right now, God has something open for me and he will show that to me in his timing, which is perfect.

2 Samuel 22:31-33

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bark for Sark

Steve Sarkisian is a miracle worker. He has taken an 0-13 team on a 15 game losing streak and turned them into something unrecognizable. Last night, the University of Washington Huskies won their first game in over a year by a dominating score of 42-23. While they do have a lot to work on, this team is lifting the hopes of the greater Seattle area.

As a gesture to the new head coach, UW students wear t-shirts that say "Bark for Sark"

I want one :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

The long awaited trip report...

My Wonderful Supporters,

Thank you for your generous donation for my trip to Africa. I really appreciated your willingness to support the vision of Enterprise International and the work that they are pursuing in Kenya and South Africa.

Since this was EI’s first trip to Kenya, we focused on familiarizing ourselves with the culture through interactions with the people as well as conducting interviews to build a business feasibility study. We came to find that Kenyans are eager to engage in business and there is a fertile market for many different industries. We also saw how business was impacting Kenyans beyond profitability. Owning and operating a business enables people to meet their basic needs which is empowering and gives dignity to them. The idea of business provides hope for those living in poverty. Because of the structure of EI (business and mission) this hope for survival through business is tied closely with Christ and thus brings in a real hope for salvation. I saw a glimpse of how God can use business to transform Kenya.

When we moved on to South Africa, we began work with Wholesome Bakery which is in a township called Soshanguve. EI wanted to start a business in the townships to break out of the Apartheid model of segregation of blacks and whites. This bakery was established last August and has since been through many challenges. Our team had the opportunity to work on several different business projects. I was able to perform a simplified audit on the bakery. As an accounting major, this was exciting for me. We were also able to meet and work with the mission teams that the EI businesses support. It was good to see EI’s full Business for Mission model as well as see some of the tensions that exist between the business and the mission teams.

As I reflect back on this trip I am excited about the potential of business as a transformational development tool. Business has the potential to impact someone in the long run while philanthropic aid can only benefit someone for a very limited period of time. Additionally, business opens doors. In Kenya, we were able to meet with and interview the CEO of the Kenyan Tourism Federation. These business relationships can create opportunities for gospel conversations. It was a great blessing to be able to see God moving on another continent and in non-traditional ways.

If there is one thing that I can take away from this trip is that God provides for those who follow his plan. God provided more than enough financial support for this trip. He kept us safe on the streets of Nairobi and Pretoria. We never had a hint of an unsafe situation. He provided team unity and great leadership. He also provided safe travels both for us and our luggage. It was clear that God was in this trip and I am very grateful for the opportunity to go.

Many thanks for your support,


Enterprise International team with the bakers of Wholesome Bakery

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Creative Visual Representation

This year at Biola, I am a peer academic adviser. Basically this means that I help facilitate a First Year Seminar class of undecided freshmen as well as conduct informal advising for students. Part of our job is to help students understand their StrengthsQuest profile of five strengths (most freshmen at Biola have to take this test in their first semester). One way of exploring how our strengths interact with each other is to come up with a Create Visual Representation of our five strengths. Here is mine:

My five strengths are Responsibility, Learner, Achiever, Competition, and Analytical.

My analytical is the foundation for how I approach life. I want reasons and I want to see and understand cause and effect relationships. I am fairly logical in why I say and do many things. That is why analytical is the base of the 1.

As a learner, I enjoy the process of going from ignorance to competence. When I am studying something, I want to learn it fully and master it. In my spare time, I read Kierkegaard and St. Augustine. I enjoy the intellectual journey. My learner theme is a conduit for my achiever theme, which is why it is one side of the 1.

Competition is taller than learner, because my competition theme is rooted in comparison. I want to be the curve setter. I want to work for the best accounting firm. I want to win the state championships in soccer. I want the Seattle Seahawks to go the distance and win the Superbowl. Competition is a driving force behind my achiever theme, which is why it is also a side of the 1. (Just a side note, competition applies to my walk with God as well. I resonate heavily with 1 Corinthians 9:24 which says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." This verse motivates to pursue God without abandon, not so that I can be holier than others, but my mindset is to pursue God as I would pursue 100% on a test or a shutout in a soccer game.)

My achiever theme is my inner fire to accomplish all that I do. a Big reason why I am able to carry 21 units, a job and still have a 4.0 and friends is because of my achiever theme. It is my kick to finish a task. For me, everyday starts at zero and I need to achiever something meaningful each day. So summers are hard for me to not have anything to do. Also, there is some sense in me that feels like I fail at blogging if I do not post everyday (blog achievement starts at zero each day too...). I am learning to soften the self-criticism side of this theme, but an achiever is a big part of who I am. It is on the top of the 1 because an achiever must be on top.

Responsibility is my number one theme and it is very evident in my life. Because of responsibility, I take commitments and integrity seriously. I also take ownership of tasks and projects. I see my actions as being tied very closely to those that I associate with, such as my school, my family and my job. For example I see all of my actions as a representation of Biola, especially to my non-christian friends. Responsibility is surrounding the 1 because it encompasses my motivations and desires. I achieve because I feel an obligation to pursue excellence for the glory of God. I learn well because I take ownership of the material. I compete because I want to honor my commitment to my team. I examine decisions because my choices impact more than just me.

The shape is a 1 because many of my strengths motivate me to be the best.

Finally, the colors are black and red, which are the colors of Biola. Because of the unique atmosphere and people of Biola, I have been able to unpack my strengths and really understand who I am.

One of the beautiful things that I have come to appreciate about StrengthsQuest is that each strength looks different when combine with other strengths. Therefore, you are not put in the same box of five strengths as numerous other people.

So in a nutshell (or a number), this is me :)