A couple months ago my boyfriend and I went to Yosemite
If you know anything about us, you know that he is the
I listen.
Let’s play 20 questions he says.
20 questions you must answer.
with no diversion,
no avoidance
no reciprocation or
20 uninterrupted questions.
We began.
The questions fell out in no particular order
Question one asked about art
To which I claim I have no part
Ironic that art is where we got our start
And where I currently stand in part
Artist is not a name I favor
But we’ll talk about that later
Question ten was harmless
But then exposed my raw emotion
Question five I forgot
But question eleven stumped me
It meant I would have to look at my lot
This three-part question has taken me months to answer
Because I prefer to avoid the disparity that I know is
But its like living in a world of sunlight but using
lights made of florescent
There is a disconnect in giving God eye contract
Because I recognize that there is a claim on truth that I
What do I believe about myself?
What do I believe at my core
Do I believe I am beautiful
Do I believe I need to be more?
I am tax accountant who loves rap
Who can spit a rhyme as a means to distract
I am an introvert who loves to be the center of attention
But is insecure about the audience affection retention
I am an overachiever who wants to accomplish nothing once
in awhile
Somebody please tell me how all these reconcile
Balance is for tight rope walkers, Olympic gymnasts, and
restaurant servers
Not for a life lived in unrelenting fervor
Competing beliefs are wrecking my mind
Peace and security are a hard find
I believe I am unworthy
But I believe I am deserving
I believe I am not as good as I could be
But I believe I give my best
I believe my potential is greater than my current reality
But I believe I have the ability to pass any test
I believe noise causes problems so I stay quiet
But I believe I have all the answers and I should be the
I want to never disappoint
But I worry at the worth I must accomplish
I want to never to be forgotten
But I worry that my words are made of rubbish
I want never to sit and wait
But I worry how to use my time
I want never to be last
But I worry I how far I have to climb
I want to be something else because I believe I am not
I work hard to prove something for someone
As if I am fighting for approval to make a wrong undone
I believe that I am a burden and yet I turn my life
upside down to fit into somebody else's schedule
I believe the world rests on my shoulders
That I have to be the consistent strong one to remove all other boulders
So everyone better get their shit together
So that I can lose mine for just one second
Because I believe that if I let go then the whole world
will fall apart
But I am exhausted from stifling emotion when it starts
Mine is not the only opinion that matters
What does the creator think about his daughters chatters?
I do not pretend to speak for God
I dare not even try.
But in the quietness of my despair
He calls out each of my lies
My child my child
I have told you my name
Stop running and hiding
This is not a fun game
My child, My child
When did I ever cast you with shame?
You cry out to me in exasperation
And I long to show you joy in your desperation
When will you believe that I love you?
What if I climbed up on that hill
Spread out my arms and declared
I am the divine and I claim that one as mine
What if I called your name out loud
What if I picked you out from the depths of the crowd?
What if I delivered you from a metaphorical lion’s den?
What if I restored you again and again?
You are worthy of being loved by the sheer fact that you
are my creation
You are worthy of being loved
Let me shower you with adoration
I will not be exhausted
I will not be expended
My pursuit of you is genuine
Don’t ever believe it pretended
I have surprised you more than once
I will do it again
Take a deep breath
Let go of your plans
Of mine, they have no resemblance
What do I believe about what God believe about me?
The God of the universe that created the mountains and
This God of the universe apparently knows my name
And what do I believe about him who names me
What do I believe about the God who claims me
What do I believe about how me sees me
What do I believe about how he must perceive me
My answer about a God immutable
Varies like a tune unpredictable
I believe there will be dancing in the throne room
I believe that the laughter of a child will ring like
chimes in the throne room
I believe that sunlight will feel warm on my face in the
throne room
But only if I enter with perfection, into this throne
If I am blemished, this belief is revocable
I tell a different story of fear insurmountable
I try to hide from the shaking head of non-delight
I try to hide from his pending requite,
I try to hide from this revealing light,
But the shadows of the corner do not cover my plight
I can stand up on these benches and proclaim a God of
unconditional love
And yet I step down and cower in the shadows bracing for
the karmaic wrath from above
I have such a wrong view of my savior
His love and power and behavior
He is no paint by number creator
If only the inaugurating of this correcting process would
The evidence of God’s character is colliding with my
misconceptions like
A theological bull in a reality built china shop
I don’t believe that God is a liar
But if I’m honest
I act as if he’s out to conspire
One thing I do know is that is redundant
I cannot live life abundant
While looking over my shoulder
And doubting the atonement
My prayer is this:
May my vision of God be not retrospective
But currently corrective
To see his hand at work irrespective
Of my present situational collective
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