So last Friday night, after playing in a soccer game reminiscent of the beginning of the movie The Big Green (I let a goal in by missing the ball with my hands and letting it roll slowly between my legs and into the net...), I ran home and started throwing clothes around frantically looking for something suitable for a club. Unfortunately, my wardrobe consists of two (working on three) types of clothes: Casual, Nicer Casual, and Business. You can't really get down in a pencil skirt nor is a gray men's undershirt super trendy...
But after some debate, a little tape, and an apple to chow on, I was ready to go!

[Being a 21+ club, the crowd was a little older than college-age. Like I'm pretty sure many of them had babysitters at home watching their children...their 7 year old children...]
Once the dance floor started to fill up, we slide on out there and rocked a modern version of the Macarena, the YMCA dance, and the line dancing I learned back in elementary school...jk...we were quite the dancing circle of single ladies. Let me tell you, our hips did not lie.
Aside from the nightmarish flashbacks to high school homecoming dances, throbbing feet, the inability to wear shoes for the next few days, bitterness toward previously adored heals, soreness in muscles that I was not aware existed, and/or one embarrassing confession I had to make in front of a class today, it was a fun evening of dancing and celebrating the birthday of my housemate.
Will I go again?...only if they promise to play "Spice Up Your Life"...
a. wheeler. you crack me up! you're like, a female donald miller...hilarious one liners that make me want more. write a book? i promise i will buy it. :)