I know you all are probably ready for a good long break from school...well here is your chance to bask in 5 Turkey-filled days devoid of any academics whatsoever.
So take those homework assingments and leave them in your dorm room. Yes, close the word document that contains your Biblical Interpretation paper and use your psychology book as a way to baracade the stairs so your hampster in the rolly ball does not tumble down the inconveniently placed death trap...
You have permission to kick back, relax, indulge in the tryptophan-laden turkey and fall asleep as the Dallas Cowboys decimate the Oakland Raiders.
And Remember: Don't let anyone make you feel ashamed for waking up super early to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade at 9:00am EST
Biola/Semester System: And when you return from break, you only have 2 weeks of class and then finals week and then you are DONE!
Once again, Happy Thanksgiving!

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