Then we started our safari. We drove out to the lake and then followed it for a distance. In this short span of distance we saw Zebra, Water buffalo, Flamingos, gazelles and other birds.
There was a Rhino was right next to the road munching away at some grass, so we got to see him pretty close as well. Rhinos are endangered, so Kenya has put a lot of effort into keeping them alive. It was a treat to see one so close.
Then the second part of playing tourist for the day was dining at Carnivore. This restaurant serves all kinds of meat. Basically if it is not endangered, you can eat it. So I tried some Crocodile and Ostrich along with the usual chicken, beef, pork, and turkey meat - all cooked in varying varieties. It was an all you can eat buffet, so our goal was to "stick it to the man" and eat pounds and pounds of meat. The guys really got their monies worth out of the meal.
Carnivore is probably the biggest tourist trap in Nairobi that I have seen so far. We walked in and a first comment was "Did we leave Kenya and go back to the United States?" Most of the people at the restaurant were white tourists. It is quite a contrast from spending a lot of time with Kenyans and walking around Nairobi. We all of a sudden found where all the white people are in Kenya...the tourist attractions. It makes me kinda sad to realize that all tourists see of Kenya is the wildlife and the restaurants designed to entertain them, but don't represent Kenya in its truest capacities.
Carnivore was quite the to put on the shelf of things I did in Kenya.
It was enjoyable to see a national park that Kenyans are so proud of and to eat at such a memorable place.
I will say that we all wanted to watch the Lion King afterward...
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