Even with 21 years of trial and error, learning, and new experiences, I realized something so sweet and precious yesterday.
Between all the "Happy Birthdays!" yesterday, the thing I heard the most and the loudest was "You are loved and remembered!" Many of my friends went out of their way to plan surprises or make time to celebrate my birthday with me. Many of my residents went out of their way to reverse our roles and show me love. My family went out of their way to celebrate with me. While I didn't get to bed until past 1:30am because I still had to finish a paper, I did not begrudge the steady interruptions. My fear of being forgotten was overwhelmingly stifled by the constant reminders from the people that care about me :) So thank you to everyone who made my birthday one of the best!
Here are 21 highlights of the weekend:
- My mom was here to visit, so I got to spend a good amount of time with her!
- My staff made me a Shark cake! (Thanks to CJ for his wonderful cake shaping skills)
- Disneyland night
- I was serenaded by a random group of Jr. Highers at Disneyland because I was wearing the birthday pin (still not sure if this is a highlight, but its memorable enough to make the list)
- $70 Disney dollars
- Misleading friends who were really planning good things
- A beautiful staff that set aside time to decorate the office and surprise me Monday night with some cake and ice cream
- Cupcakes from my residents!
- The 45 facebook notifications - I had to delete some emails to make room in bubbs
- Breakfast with my mom and brother
- A phone call from my dad and sister :)
- Dessert at Claim Jumper
- All the implied drinking comments made me laugh...I'm still on contract so I'm not drinking...nice try though :)
- Dinner at Pat & Oscar's with Amy
- Many hugs
- A couple bomb birthday cards
- The Mario Party and MouseHunt action with the guys from ARK
- Katie Powell's S.H.A.R.K. acrostic poem
- The reminder of old friendships
- A decorated door and fresh flowers
- Expectations for a birthday that were blown out of the water

"It is grace, nothing but grace, that we are able to live in community with Christian Brethren"- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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