Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodnight 2009

Goodnight Year
...Goodnight 2009
Goodnight oh year devine
Goodnight meetings
Goodnight partings
And the just got startings
Goodnigt ResLife
Goodnight marketing strife
Goodnight Shark
And goodnight Ark
Goodnight friendships that kept getting stronger
And goodnight semester that kept getting longer
Goodnight little bakery of bread
And goodnight Kenyan airport of dread
Goodnight interview prep
And goodnight tears I've wept
Goodnight Cove
Goodnight graduating bro
And goodnight to God whispering "go"
Goodnight Washington
Goodnight oh big tree
Goodnight realization of what I can be!

Monday, December 21, 2009

21 going on 5

Sometimes I react to situations in a way that much resembles that of a 5 year old. There is yelling, unfair shifting of blame, the occasional punch is thrown, and even sometimes tears. You'd think that after 21 years of life, I would realize this is not endearing...

If there was a penalty box for immature behavior, I may think about making it a little more homey, due to my potential frequency of attendance...

I can come up with reasons of why I am upset. I can blame the world for spinning the wrong way, for all the good it will do. At the root of it all, there is no excuse, I just have a bad attitude and unfortunately, my family bares the brunt of it.

At this point, the embarrassment of my toddler-like behavior is the worst consequence I could ever endure for my tantrum...and let me tell you, they are tantrums.

So where do I go from here? I pull my head out of my ostrich hole of shame and apologize AGAIN to my family.

I think it is time to put the conflict shark to rest and try on an owl for a change...

We Will Go Home

Yes Please :) Tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Redeeming Facebook

On the average day, my facebook news feed is filled with selfish ego-centric status updates. However, this week, facebook has served as a catalyst for the gospel.

On Monday, Justin Key passed away suddenly. While Justin was 4 years older than me, I knew him because his dad, Brian, was a junior high leader for my youth group back in Washington. I remember the numerous Summer Safaris that I attended as a camper and as a staff member. When I was a camper, Justin would come to the junior high camps with his dad to drive boats and help with the kitchen crew. Later I would serve along side him at these camps when I entered high school and he was in college. I remember the countless junior high girls that could not contain their giggles due to Justin's irresistible charm. From these brief interactions at camp and in the youth group, I can't say I knew the Key family very well, but I have been impacted by their lives of faithfulness.

The news of Justin's death began as shocked status updates Monday morning and eventually became a group page later that day. Memories and pictures of Justin came pouring into the group's wall.

Stories of how he touched people's lives and led many to Christ.
Stories of his infectious laugh and uplifting spirit.
Stories of adventures and excitement.
Stories of a life lived well and of a faith that was unshaken.

Because of facebook, this news traveled from the east coast, where he attended school, to Mexico where his parents were, to Seattle, WA, where his parent's church is, to La Mirada, CA, where he attended Biola and was part of the Torrey Honors Institute as well as the business department, and beyond, within 24 hours. Because of the connectivity of facebook, his testimony has been shared with hundreds in such a short period of time.

In my opinion, this memorialization of the life of Justin Key has been more effective at spreading the gospel than any of the other "1,000,000 Christians Strong" groups on facebook. His life was a genuine testimony of God's love flowing out from him. Over and over, people have written that he walked the walk and talked the talk. Justin was a man of God and his life proved that. Even in her immense grief, Justin's mother got on facebook and pleaded with all who had joined the facebook group because they knew Justin, to consider the God that he served.

Facebook may seem ridiculous at times, but God is using it in this instance to achieve his purposes of making His name known and glorifying Christ in all things.

Isn't it time we recognize facebook as an effective tool to reach the nations?

To the Key family: Your loss is felt deeply and you are in my prayers. Excellent job raising Justin. He will be remembered well. May you feel the peace of God during this time of sorrow.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Finals Encouragement

Here are a few Words of Encouragement as you embark on your first finals

* Don't Procrastinate :P

* Don't Cheat...It won't end well ;)

* Coffee is a useful tool, but don't over do it :)

* Funny Answers are not always the best...take finals seriously, no matter how burned out you may be

* When in doubt, always try the problem and give it your best common language :)

* And finally, it can't be as bad as this...

You guys will do great! I wish you the best of luck this week and I will be praying for all of you. Remember, no matter how bad it may seem, it does not last forever!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Finals, What Finals?

What I do instead of studying for finals...

The Cove is what we affectionately call our house

Monday, December 7, 2009

Biola Trail

Congratulations! You have arrived at the Biola River. What would you like to do:

a. Caulk the wagon and float across
b. Ford the River
c. Wait a few days and take a ferry across
d. Pay a local to help you find safe passage across

Even though I may lose half my supplies and my traveling companions may die, I'm going to have to go with b - Let's ford the river!

Did I mention it is raining in California and there are puddles on campus the size of a kiddie pool? Not to mention the raging river of death, also known as the street gutter?