I have recently discovered the joys of the age old cooking device, the
Crock Pot. For some reason, growing up, I always associated the crock pot with a meal I did not like (Sorry Mom). For the life of me, I can't remember why I had that feeling toward it. Maybe it was because we were not having pizza or mac'n'cheese for dinner. Who knows...
But now the Crock Pot produces delicious meals that melt in your mouth :)
Since I have been doing my own cooking, I have been sticking to things I know how to make: Sandwiches, Pasta, and Tacos. It's been two months and
I am now bored with my current menu. So I decided to venture into the unknown and try new things. A few weeks ago, one of my staffmates made dinner for our staff from a Crock Pot. I liked it so much, that I asked for the recipe, thus embarking on my cooking adventure.
A cool thing about cooking with a Crock Pot is that you just assemble the ingredients, turn it on and
wait for 5-6 hours. Then you come back and eat! Since this was my first time using the Crock Pot, I was unsure of this process, so here is the conversation I had with one of my housemates:
Me: "Do I need to pre-cook the chicken?"
Erin: "Nope, just put it in the Crock Pot."
Me: Do I need to mix the ingredients?"
Erin: "Nope, just put them in and turn it on."
Me: "Should I add water?"
Erin: "Nope"
Nervous to do something wrong, I put the ingredients in and
let it cook. I came back and had the best Sunday lunch ever!
As I was preparing this meal, I was struck at how
similar this process is to other areas in my life. As many of you know, I am currently going through the recruiting process for a full-time job in the accounting field for next fall (Firms hire a year in advance).
Throughout this whole process, I feel the need to keep
adding extra ingredients or stir the pot. I hate waiting for that phone call to continue the process. I think, "
What if they need more information?", "Should I clarify a certain aspect of my resume?", "
What if my email didn't go through?", "
What if they tried to call, but my phone dropped the call?"
Not all of these things are likely to happen, but they go through my mind nonetheless.
Throughout this whole process of essentially marketing myself to a firm, the words I have heard repeatedly are "
wait, calm down and wait."
I have been faithful to assemble the correct ingredients: my GPA, my leadership experience, my respectful relationships with my supervisors. Now I just need to
wait and let God work in this process. The more I try to add, the more I try to push out God's hand.
I have come to realize the I cannot go into as demanding a field as accounting is without God. Therefore, whether it is California or Washington, Big 4 or small firm, I want to be where God wants me to be. I truly believe that
God has an intent to bless me in this search process. Therefore, I have to
daily relinquished control of application packets, interviews, firm visits and emails.
I have added the ingredients. Now I need to be faithful to wait.
May God continue to give me this attitude as disappointments arise and excitement builds.